Thursday, January 15, 2004

I Didn't Leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party Left Me.

Republicans For Dean: Originally I bought the spin on Howard Dean as some sort of lefty-left pacifist liberal. Then I decided to check for myself. Howard Dean is a lot of things but a flaming liberal he is not. I like balanced budgets and a tight fiscal hand. Dean is nothing if not tight. Have you seen his suits?

I also found that Dean is not a pacifist. I could never support a pacifist even if I do believe in Christ's instructions to turn the other cheek. Dean supported the war in Afghanistan and the first Gulf War. He just didn't support the Iraq War because it took resources away from the hunt for the real bad guys.

My conclusion after looking into Dr. Dean is that he is actually what used to pass for a moderate Republican. I like moderate Republicans. I thought George Bush was one. I was a fool. I won't be fooled again.

el - I am glad to see recovering Republicans and conservatives. I would also be glad if more Greens and Libertarians worked within the Democratic party.

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