Thursday, January 15, 2004

U.S. Asks Muslims Why It is Unloved Indonesians Reply

In a SF mailing list I am on someone said that the perception that the United States is perceived as a bully around the world is a Media lie.

I replied with "Why let a few billion people stand in the way when you can criticize the media" and used the Pew Global Attitudes Survey (136 page pdf) which used 66,000 people in 49 nations as my reply.

I could have also used a Council on Foreign Relations report which concluded that anti-Americanism was so severe it was "endangering our national security and compromising the effectiveness of our diplomacy."

Or even the idiots in Congress that suspended the State Department's international public relations work until a team headed by a Rice University professor examined ways to stop the rising tide of anti-Americanism in the Muslim world. The team got an earful from Indonesia.

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