Monday, July 28, 2003

Most bizarre, most biased story of this election cycle thus far?

Daily Kos got hot about a slanted Vermont story, dissing Dean to praise Kerry who is coming in second in early polling.

It isn't until the ninth graf that we finally get to the actual poll results, and the numbers make a mockery of the preceeding eight paragraphs:

In the Herald poll of likely New Hampshire primary voters, Dean takes 28 percent of the vote and Kerry 25 percent while a second tier of candidates lagged behind, U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut at 11 percent and U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) at 9 percent.

Their local boy, according to their poll, is falling behind in the must-win state. Headlining the article "Kerry has N.H. edge" is beyond ridiculous.

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