Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Can Kerry Close The Deal?

Liberal Oasis - mentioned recently how after losing to Paul Tsongas by 8 points, Clinton nevertheless called himself the Comeback Kid, and “the rest was history.”

But there’s a little more to that story.

The week after NH was the 7-state “Junior Tuesday.”

Tsongas won 3 states, the most of anyone, including two outside of his home region, Utah and Washington.

But that wasn’t enough to put it away.

Clinton won only 1. But it was an early time zone state, Georgia, and he won it big.

We’ve only had a small taste of how Kerry would face the GOP (and in LO’s view, it was a mixed bag).

Before Kerry closes the deal, and stakes the claim as the most electable, we should hope we get to see more.

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