Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Worse than Ann Coulter?

Salon - Even worse than Ann Coulter's smearing of decorated war veteran Max Cleland are the fawning right-wingers now trumpeting her lies.

Joe Conason - Ann Coulter just won't stop assaulting the man with no legs and one arm -- but now she claims it's in self-defense. With characteristic panache, she insists that she is the real victim, because her slurs against former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland have provoked outraged protest. She's particularly indignant that some critics (including me) have branded her a liar. And in response, she has compounded her original lies.

Cleland defended his honor on cable television, where he told "Hardball" host Chris Matthews: "I volunteered for a combat mission with the 1st Air Calvary division going in to break the siege at Khe Sanh, and if that isn't a combat mission, you ought to ask some of the people that were there and the 200 guys that were killed in that mission."

others have noticed as well - Ann Coulter's recent attack on Max Cleland shows just how un-patriotic the right has become.

For sheer, vicious nastiness, no one cam compete with Ann Coulter, whose latest error-riddled effusion is an attack on former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland... Molly Ivins.

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." - Ann Coulter

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