Friday, September 13, 2002

Bush at the UN. Bush is finally seeing the light. He has moved the debate to the United Nations.

His speech was a good list of reasons why the UN should do something. Only two misleading statements that I caught and for Bush that is pretty good in a major address. Iraq does not harbor al Qaida , our allies the Kurds have the terrorists. Iraq was not poised for invasion of Saudi Arabia, the elder Bush claimed satellite photos showed this but independent photos showed otherwise. Some people might argue about other statements but I'll accept them.

He had some Freudian slips, replacing God with gods and he slipped and said the United Nations should be respectful instead of respected.

This is all politically motivated, of course, by a power-mad clutch of chicken hawks with a grudge against Iraq. They had decided to invade well over a year ago as shown by Rumsfield's comments on September 11th. But at least now they are working within international law.

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