The Project for the New American Century is dedicated to pioneering "a new proud American Imperialism".
Did you want to find out more?
Too bad if you were looking for the primary source materials on the web. The Project For A New American Century Organization is no longer on the web and they have removed themselves from the Internet Archives. Someone must have pointed out it would not be good public or international relations now that their plan is in operation.
Some information is available:
Here is a letter from them posted last September 20th.
Here and here were grants they received from some foundations.
Here the journal Current Concerns discusses the people shaping foreign policy with Rumsfeld and the next page shows how they were all developers of the Project for the New American Century.
In a pre-9/11 article here it is mentioned how Bruce Jackson, Vice President of Lockheed Martin, the world's largest military corporation, is one of the group's directors.
The short but still best available information is here:
Attention, Right Face, Forward March
By Tom Barry and Jim Lobe
Notice that the above article on the foreign policy plan of this administration, created back in 1997 -1999 by a coalition of the big Republican conservative blocs, was written in April of this year.
Isolated voices have been warning of this PNAC crew since immediately after September 11th. Hey, when the CIA thinks you are right-wing nuts... From the Village Voice, Nov. 21-27, 2001, "the Agency's old Afghan and Middle East hands marvel at what they consider lunacy. "The Agency as an institution would never offer up a view of these people, but if you ask individuals, they think these guys are more than a little nuts," says a veteran of the CIA's Directorate of Operations."
The PNAC have not yet converted all the American Military-Strategic Think Tanks to their vision of Pax Americana. Large, permanent forces stationed in the middle east, central Asia, and southeast Asia to prevent any enemies, no matter how small, from threatening the new American global Empire is not in everyone's vision. Here is one from Seattle who disagrees. But, as even he writes, he seems to be "an anti-war movement of one".
Thomas Donnelly, Deputy Executive Director of the Project for the New American Century, writing for the magazine Foreign Affairs:
"THE FACT OF A (ONE-WORLD) AMERICAN EMPIRE IS HARDLY DEBATED THESE DAYS. Even those who fear and oppose it - in this country, the libertarian right and the remnants of the new left; abroad, a variety of voices from Paris to Baghdad to Beijing - define international politics almost entirely in relation to U.S. power, and especially U.S. military power. The 'unipolar moment' has become a unipolar decade and, with a little effort and a little wisdom, it COULD LAST MUCH LONGER."
Do you honestly think this administration has even "a little wisdom"?
Wow, I had started this research just looking to see if the Homeland Security Cultural Bureau was "real" like the conservative front group Americans for Victory Over Terrorism or an elaborate practical joke and I serendipitied into this.
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