Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Ozone News - Those pesky environmentalists did it again, the ozone hole looks like it is closing. It might be cured by 2050 if CFC'c are still regulated and rising greenhouse gasses don't stop the process. Don't tell the DittoHeads, they still don't believe there is a hole. Of course, they don't live in Australia where teachers have to make sure children put on sunscreen before going outside at recess.

Times Online New Office of Global Communications will launch $200 million PR Blitz at home and abroad to justify attacking Iraq.

Health and Human Services Replacing Science Advisors with Pro-Business newcomers.( This is wrong but expected.

Philadelphia Daily News - Flight 93 recorder tape ends 3 minutes before plane crashed? I read in in a recent interview that Rice was in the command center and they had just given orders to scramble military jets when word was received the flight was down. For 30 minutes she said everyone had a sick feeling that we had shot it down before word came back we didn't. I believe it was downed in the struggle but this is how conspiracy theories start.

Washington Post - Two things. One, Republican strategists are moving candidates to run on attacking Iraq now compared to those wusses the Democrats. Two, Lockheed-Martin, the world's largest military contractor, is running ads on the Washington Post web page directing viewers to this F-22 website. As I have pointed out previously Lockheed Martin appears to be one of the supports of Pax Americana, the Republican plan for a century of America as the world Empire.

Salon - The Moonie propaganda story against the NEA that won't die. The NEA "blaming America first" has been shown to be a lie several times but the right-wing media bias network continues to spread the lie because it fits their fantasy world view.

Joe Conason's Journal - More crony capitalism in Texas, the Bush created University of Texas Investment Management Company. Plus: Will Iraq hawks take yes for an answer? And why Superman is mad at George W. Bush.

William Greider - Talks about corporate influence, term limits, and the Imperial United States.

Geov Parrish - We will go to war, the only untold story is how much this "Imperial Adventurism" is going to cost.

Alternet - Testimony to Congress about the cost of the war. Add it all up and it is probably $200 billion plus.

Borowitz - IRAQ AGREES TO WEAPONS INSPECTIONS; CHENEY BEGS THEM TO RECONSIDER. Don’t Make Any Hasty Decisions, Vice President Urges Saddam. Nice to see some humor in this.

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