Saturday, May 31, 2003

As long as I am looking at radicals - what does Agee have to say?

Most of what he says is now common knowledge, but not when Playboy interviewed him in the 70's.

What the CIA does is to work carefully, usually over several years' time, to undermine those
governments whose policies are unfavorable to U. S. interests. Through propaganda, political action and the fomenting of
trade-union unrest, often carried out through many different front organizations, the CIA cuts away popular support from the
undesired government or political leader. Major emphasis is placed on influencing reactionary military officers. Once this process
gets started, it will acquire its own momentum and eventually lead to the desired coup. The CIA can sometimes speed things up by
providing a catalyst: let's say preparing a forged document such as a list of military officers allegedly due for assassination,
then seeing that the list gets publicized.

After reading about the CIA cap Kerry carries with him read what a real CIA operative says.

The more I got to know about the corrupt government we were backing,
the less I liked my work. I began to see that the landowners,
ranchers, bankers and professionals--a small minority--were using
the government for their own selfish purposes. Why were we
supporting such people? Then came the invasion of the Dominican
Republic by U.S. Marines. That really got to me. It was done under
the pretext that the Dominican Republic might become another Cuba,
which was so absurd I had to wonder what the real reason was. For
the first time, I had to consider that the CIA might not really be
serving the cause of liberal reform. And then one day I got a
shock that's still painful to talk about.

PLAYBOY: What was it?

AGEE: I overheard a man being tortured by the police--a man I'd
fingered for them. You know, at that time, the police in
Latin-American countries didn't use torture as some of them do
now. For years I'd been having people arrested, but I don't think
I'd ever actually seen what happened to them afterward. Then, in
December 1965, during a state of siege, I told the Uruguayan
police to pick up a Communist named Oscar Bonaudi for preventive
detention, because he was quite active in street demonstrations.
About five days later, the new chief of station, John Horton, and
I were visiting police headquarters to show the police chief a
forged document we'd prepared, and I began to hear moans coming
from somewhere above the police chief's office. The chief was
embarrassed and told one of his assistants to turn up the radio. I
remember there was a soccer game on. Well, the moans got louder
and the assistant kept turning up the radio. Finally, the moans
turned to screams and the radio was blaring so loudly we couldn't
hear ourselves talk. I had this strange feeling--terror and
helplessness. Two days later, I found out that the man they had
been torturing was Bonaudi.

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