Friday, August 22, 2003

"Do You Want To Play Global Thermonuclear War, Dave?"

Here is a fairly brief but dry article on why it is in Iran's interest to develop nuclear weapons and needs to do so somewhat secretly.

Reminds me of a game of SuperPower I played.

As a hard-charging Brazil I decide to see what will happen if I lobbed two cruise missiles at the French Foreign Legion SRBM base. I also bring a few nuclear missiles out in the open in Brasilia to let the world know what I have. I save the game and push the button to launch two cruise missiles that happen to be in Ghana with the French base.

From my satellite view I see nothing coming back at me from that base or from France. But what is this? From the Caribbean, at sea and Panama and Gitmo and Puerto Rico, missiles are headed toward not only Brazil but all of my allies and even secret allies like Chile. And it looks like two more sites in the UK have joined in the fun.

Rather than lose my missiles stationed in the open I retaliate but only at the sites attacking. More missiles began responding from more bases and appear to be headed for my secret bases, As my capital, and all my strategic arms could be about to go up in fireballs I launch my nukes, this time adding Washington and New York to the hit list as well as some other big US bases and a couple of military bases in France since they started this war.

The missiles stop and I wait awhile and then emerge to see what has happened.

It looks like the UK and the US had only launched non-nuclear cruise missiles at me for attacking a NATO member base. Most of my airports and naval bases are devastated but the cities are fine. Overall this isn't too bad for Brazil and my allies. It's a shame about New York and Washington but how was I to know?

More on my games here.

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