Sunday, November 30, 2003

Kerry Attacks Dean For His Own Positions

Kerry vs. Kerry - He's schizoid about Medicare. By Timothy Noah

Kerry boasts on his Web site that he "has the courage to take on special interests to get health care costs under control." In the Nov. 24 presidential debate in Iowa, Kerry called the just-passed Medicare prescription-drug bill a "special interest giveaway" containing "$139 billion worth of slush fund money that's going to go directly to the drug companies." Kerry criticized the Medicare bill for, among other things, not allowing the federal government "to actually negotiate bulk purchases for states, which would lower prices."

el - Kerry vows to get "health care costs under control" but then attacks Dean for not promising unrestricted growth in Medicare. I originally didn't support Kerry because every time I saw him talk about Iraq he bought into the Cheney lies, since then I realize he is an old-style promise the voters anything politician.

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