Monday, August 15, 2005

Red State Problems for Bush

Justice Sunday II - Where's the beef. From someone who attended.
Unfortunately, after hearing the same fear-mongering over and over again for over an hour, I have realized there is no substance here tonight. This is a clever attempt to move the debate to the turf of the religious right. This is an attempt to gain the home-court advantage (no pun intended).

While I attempted to come here today without any pre-conceived ideas, I am going to have to stand by my earlier assertion that the intention of Justice Sunday II is to co-opt Jesus and Christianity for the political goals of the Extreme Right. (Lets call it what it is after all, to call it the Religious Right would be like calling the Taliban the uh, Religious Right. Religious extremism is religious extremism and that is what this is.)

Conservative Red Stater wonders if we are losing the war. First, we have already lost it. Second, his solution of a lot more troops is as clueless as Kerry's solution to get our allies to send their troops. We have no more troops unless we institute the draft. And if he thinks this war is unpopular now... We would see marching in the streets and college riots if a draft is started up. Our all-volunteer army is not set up to be occupiers of large countries and the American people only like Empire on the cheap. This war is not cheap in terms of money, lives, and what it has done to the American reputation.

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