Thursday, September 29, 2005

Simple Facts for DeLay Case

From an email:

Here are the facts, which are known from the civil trial evidence. In mid-September 2002, John Colyandro of TRMPAC sent a blank check, from a TRMPAC corporate money account, to Washington D.C. to Jim Ellis, a TRMPAC principal and close aide of Delay's. Ellis filled out the check for $190,000 and delivered it to RNSEC (the Republican National State Elections Committee). The indictment alleges that with the check Ellis gave to RNSEC a written list of seven Texas state representative candidates. Several weeks later, on October 4, RNSEC cut seven "hard money" checks, in sequential order, to these seven candidates, totaling $190,000.

The DA alleges that this is money laundering, i.e., TRMPAC and RNSEC had an agreement to exchange illegal corporate money (which cannot be given to candidates in Texas) for hard individual money. The DA alleges that Delay conspired with Ellis and Colyandro to send this illegal corporate contribution through indirect means (RNSEC) to the seven Texas candidates. The 3 defendants deny that they conspired to exchange illegal corporate funds. This is a classic fact issue for a jury to decide.

We believe our criminal justice system should be allowed to run its course so that justice is done--whatever the jury's conclusion based on the evidence and law.

Fred Lewis
President, Campaigns for People

Please tell your friends to go to and support reform in Texas

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