Thursday, August 27, 2015

It would be nice for mainstream writers to know what they are talking about when they write articles about science fiction

It would also be nice if the Sad and Rabid Puppies weren't so ignorant and deluded.

Eric Flint illustrates both of my points in this essay "DO WE REALLY HAVE TO KEEP FEEDING STUPID AND HIS COUSIN IGNORAMUS?".

"Fact One. There is no grandiose, over-arching SJW conspiracy to deny right-thinking conservative authors their just due when it comes to awards. It does not exist. It has never existed. It is nothing but the fevered dreams which afflict some puppies in their sleep.'

"Fact Two. There is no reflexive reactionary movement to drag F&SF kicking and screaming back into the Dark Ages when all protagonists had to be white and male (and preferably either engineers or military chaps). The very same people who piss and moan about diversity-for-the-sake-of-it litter their own novels with exactly the same kind of diversity they deplore when their opponents do it."

I'll ignore his third fact because I am not sure how much the Science Fiction Hugo Awards has drifted away from the popular base. I am sure it has but I think he may overstate it even as he admits it is complicated.

See the beginning of his essay for some of the problems with mainstream reporting.

I recently complained to another writer that his analysis was really, really not very good regarding the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppies and the state of the Hugo Awards. It is nice that I can point to Eric Flint and George R R Martin and Jim C Hines and others as SFF writers who get it right.

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