Thursday, April 15, 2021

Texas Progressive Blogs 4/15/21

The Texas Progressive Alliance weekly roundup counts as infrastructure. That's it, that's the intro.
Off the Kuff analyzes the big Senate and House voter suppression bills. 

SocraticGadfly says that with new legislation on the table in Oklahoma and passed in New Mexico, Texas faces new pressure to liberalize its marijuana laws.

Stace is riding for Alzheimer's Research. Read about it, and, if you can, make a donation!

And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs. 

 Emily Eby personally points out all of the bad things in voter suppression bill SB7. 

The Texas Civil Rights Project reminds us that there are other, smaller but still malicious voter suppression bills to watch out for. 

Progress Texas highlights the efforts to put pressure on the Legislature to reject voter suppression.

Charles Luke opines against the proposed ban on local governments hiring lobbyists at the Legislature. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Ted Cruz Ditty

The dark and cold
Was getting old
Deep in the heart of Texas

Pipes burst each night
He hopped a flight
Ted Cruz abandoned Texas

He tried to hide
And then he lied
Ted Cruz abandoned Texas

So make a note
Next time you vote
Ted Cruz abandoned Texas.
