Wednesday, September 11, 2002

IDEOFACT agrees with my opinion of Ann Coulter.

Bill Allison writes: "I used to think she was a woman who understood how to make money from being outrageous -- cynical and shrewd, perhaps, but not serious. But I am beginning to think I was wrong, and that she really means what she says. I'm not sure which is worse."

One quote from the hate spewing Ann Coulter that sticks with me is: "To say that Muhammad was a demon-possessed pedophile is not an attack. It's a fact."

Now Bill Allison in Idoefact is reasonable in writing: "By none of this do I mean that there aren't serious problems in the Muslim world, that the images of Palestinian children draped with explosives aren't a sign of a serious disorder which has a religious component, that the influence of Wahhabi innovation and Qutb-inspired radicalism isn't a serious threat to the West (and to Muslims themselves, I might add). But it seems to me that Coulter has gone far beyond such criticisms."

I am proverbially not as reasonable when I write that I saw her on FoxNonNews the other day and she looked smug, as smug as a Hitler Youth Party member.

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