Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Peter Taylor's new book is about the problems with the Libertarian Party - too many people not committed to working within the system for gradual change, I think, but I haven't read it yet. He did tell me he didn't really see a solution. Peter dislikes that he has no one representing his views in any elective office and knows the Libertarian Party is too ineffective to be an alternative.

I have always perceived Peter to be politically a Democrat who doesn't like government programs or taxes but I am pretty sure he always votes Libertarian. Maybe he is a Republican who doesn't like anything about them except they are generally anti-government and anti-taxes. (Although even this is arguable, they just spend the people's money on different things.) My problem is I like all the main things you use taxes for and I think they are necessary. Nearly all anti-tax people I know are very much the I've got mine, screw everyone else party. This doesn't describe Peter who, like me, also likes libraries and roads, and is not the screw everyone else type.

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