Saturday, October 05, 2002

An email to Senator Byrd

Re: Iraqi Resolutions

I have watched you on CSPAN and I agree with you 100%.

This is a dangerous, rushed, and unconstitutional transfer of power to the President.

This debate should take place after the United Nations debate and after inspections, or attempted inspections occur.

This debate is also not between hawks and doves, but between war-mad hawks and moderate hawks. I am sure that everyone in the Senate as patriotic Americans wants Saddam and any weapons of mass destruction gone. The debate is about principled and constitutional ways to do it.

This president has urged hurried, dangerous, and illegal means of accomplishing what should be done.

I applaud your stand on the Senate floor on how these resolutions are against the constitution.

I have urged my two senators to support you but unfortunately doubt they will do so. I think on matters of this importance they should rise above partisanship and so should the President.

I hope you gain support to postpone the vote until after the elections.

Thank you,

A 48-year old Texas voter.

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