Wednesday, October 02, 2002

NEA: NEA Report Documents Link Between Anti-Worker and Anti-Public Education Initiatives

Back in 1998 the NEA got curious about the well-funded attacks and imitatives on public education and launched a research project. They found a sophisticated web of groups and wealthy individuals with a coordinated activist agenda.

Again, there was a right-wing conspiracy that was not only trying to impeach Clinton but to pursue a sweeping agenda in many areas - education being one.

It still exists and now has its members are in power. It is not "vast" but it is disciplined, extremely well-financed, well-placed, well-coordinated, fanatical, and persistent.

This site discusses the religious element and draws upon the NEA document.

An older site that discusses the three decade rise of this conspiracy which appears close to its dream - creating a right-wing American Empire with control of all three branches of government and domination of the media. Here it discusses the players in their "Get Clinton" role and recommends more resources.

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