Archie Bunker isn’t a roll model. His example is not something to aspire to. The character is an example of ignorance and prejudice masquerading as reason and thought.
I hear all this whining and teeth gnashing over any criticism of W and his complete and total incompetence at anything other than war mongering and making America look like the school yard bully the world over.
Yet when Clinton was in office, Republicans were screaming from the treetops that he was a national embarrassment and should resign because he lied about a blow job. Republicans diverted millions of dollars in tax payer’s money into endless investigations, resources in the FBI that could have been investigating terrorists, and brought the government to a screeching halt to try and impeach Clinton for lying about a blow job.
Now we have W lying about another oil war that could cost hundreds of American lives and thousands of lives of Iraqi civilians. We have W turning the whole damn world against us, ruining peace, ruining prosperity, ruining the economy, and destroying our national reputation. We have real substantive examples of his inability to do the job that the Supreme Court appointed him to do.
So when will people be calling for W to resign? He’s already done far worse than Clinton ever did in terms of past scandals and criminal acts, which he lied about and covered up… his drunk driving, Harkin, the Texas Rangers deal, his AWOL for over 12 months, etc. He has been so completely criminally negligent in the performance of his duties and responsibilities as President that he should be impeached just for that.
When the Clinton administration left office, they directly informed W’s administration that Osama was a threat to be watched and dealt with as a priority as he was the prime suspect in the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. And that threat was ignored in favor of getting those big tax cuts for the rich passed. A recent tax analysis showed 97% of families of 4 making $50,000 - $200,000 would get no tax reduction after W's tax plan fully kicked in. W was more interested in tax cuts for the rich than terrorism.
This lying so-and-so gets security briefings that we might be under threat of terrorist attacks using hijacked jets in July 2001 and his response is to drop it and take a month long vacation all though August. That is a real crime of neglect against this nation that resulted in the deaths of 3,000 people. How many more have to die before the people admit that W is unable to do the job?
Then W tells us that Iraq is a huge threat and we have to give him the authority to go to war with Iraq right now, BEFORE an election, that’s how much of a threat it is… well if Iraq is such a threat, and our nation is in so much danger, why did this incompetent so-and-so just take another month long vacation and why is he now spending 3 or 4 days a week fundraising, instead of doing his job?
This guy is a joke, and a national embarrassment. I am proud to be an American, but I am deeply ashamed of what Emperor George is doing in our nation’s name for his own personal and political benefit. I am horrified that thousands of Americans are dead because this idiot wanted to go talk to the cows on his ranch for a month instead of doing his damn job. If you or I only showed up for work half of the time, we’d be fired and so should W. It was tracked that so far he has spend over 42% of his time as President on vacation and almost 10% of his time fund-raising. But because he is President, it is OK for him to be stupid, incompetent, and uninterested in doing his job? You love those traits in Archie Bunker.
Guys like Archie Bunker and george w belong in an armchair bitching about the rest of the world, not waging war on the rest of the world and making their prejudices into policy. Ignorance and prejudice make for great comedy when they are contained within someone’s living room for 30 minutes a week. When those same prejudices become guiding principles of our government and that ignorance sets the direction and tone of our national policy, that is no longer great comedy, rather it is great tragedy.
Don’t believe me; ask someone who lived in Germany in about 1935.
Since George Bush was appointed (not elected), he has given America the four things guaranteed under a Republican administration, war, recession, repression, and unemployment.
Every day more facts emerge suggesting Bush while not being directly responsible for 9/11 was certainly complicit in allowing it to happen. His administration called off the investigation into Al Queda which had been ongoing for most of the Clinton years. Long-time FBI Deputy Director John O'Neill resigned in disgust over Bush's policy--or lack thereof--on terrorism. In 2000, the Republican-controlled congress dismissed a strong airline security bill as being “bad for business”. The Bush administration gave $132 million to the Taliban in 2001. In fact, we attacked the Taliban only after they broke off negotiations the administration started to get an oil pipeline deal.
Months of repeated warnings from intelligence agencies all around the world--including urgent messages from Israeli intelligence literally minutes before the attack--went unheeded. After 9/11, the United States enjoyed an unprecedented level of worldwide support. Within months, Bush squandered that support, turning the entire world against us. Now other countries compare George Bush to Adolph Hitler.
The time has come to start demanding answers to the hard questions. How, on that clear September morning, did every system designed to protect the American people totally fail four times in one day? And just who is responsible for letting that failure happen? The Air National Guard has had jets for years on 15-minute standby waiting for hijacking and air threats, where were they? Does it have anything to do with the new incompetent national Director of the Air National Guard got his job as a reward for tossing Bush's National Guard records?
Now Bush wants to take us into a war for which no one can produce any credible evidence of a viable threat other than to say Saddam Hussein is a bad man. So what? There are plenty of bad men in world, and Saddam has been contained for eleven years. Why is it now (a month before the election) so urgent that the United States suddenly and without provocation attack Iraq?
Do you know where Saddam got the poison gas he used on the Kurds and Iranians… and do you know the only nation that refused to vote the condemn that action in the UN? The same one - US.
Bush -- who deserted his Texas Air National Guard unit -- has no business advocating sending young Americans into combat. I know what it’s like to see America suffer through an unpopular war and this one, unlike Vietnam, is unpopular from the start.
W wants war so bad and he wants it right now… that is a huge red flag for me. No sane person should ever WANT war. War should never be anything but a last resort. That is the American way.
Edited and added to from other BartCop Democrats.
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