Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Molly Ivins -- You're a mean one, Mr. Bush

It may be that his heart is two sizes two small

Number of seniors who will be cut off meal programs because of Bush budget: 36,000.

Number of families who will be cut off of heating assistance because of the Bush budget: 532,000.

Number of homeless kids who will be cut off of education programs because of Bush budget: 8,000.

Number of kids who will be cut off of after-school programs because of the Bush budget: 50,000.

Number of kids who will be cut off of child care because of Bush budget: 33,000.

Number of workers who will be cut off of unemployment insurance on Dec. 28 because of Bush budget: 1 million.
Question: Which news got more attention from the media -- Bush's photo-op at the food bank or the facts in his budget?

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