Friday, February 28, 2003

Some Strange News from Venezuela -- Let's Do The Time Warp Again

Because of a drought the frequency of power transmission has been slightly lowered and all clocks are running a little slow.

In a bizarre mass-malfunction, Venezuela's clocks are ticking too slowly due to a power shortage weakening the electric current nationwide. By the end of each day, the sluggish time pieces still have another 150 seconds to tick before they catch up to midnight.

"Everything that has to do with time-keeping has slowed down. If it's an electric clock, it's running slow," said Miguel Lara, general manager of the national power grid.

The meltdown has taken a total 14 hours and 36 minutes from Venezuela's clocks over 12 of the past 13 months, he said.

The US has seemed in a kinda time-warp over Chavez with the neo-Reaganites wanting to find their own Latin America countries to save from comunism.

Chavez is establishing more control and the opposition seems very frustrated right now. Several judicial investigations are underway to either fine or shut down some of the media and to have more of the lockout leaders placed on trial. Venezuela officials say that here in the US we may be getting the oil flow returning to normal soon. Bush officials didn't seem particularly thrilled although I am tired of paying 50% more for gas with it all going to extremely large companies.

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