Monday, May 26, 2003

Luntz Speak

The last Commonweal Institute Newsletter reported some on "Luntz Speak." Frank Luntz is a highly payed and influential conservative GOP pollster and analyst. He is very good at instructing Republicans how to frame the issues so they sound reasonable and sensible but support GOP and corporate self-interests. An example is the recent Luntz memo on environmental issues that exposes a staggering amount of cynicism and hubris. From the Commonweal newsletter --

In discussing global warming and the Kyoto Treaty, Luntz admits that “the scientific debate is closing against us, but not yet closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the science.” Then, lower on the page, he offers the following “Language That Works”: “We must not rush to judgment before all the facts are in. We need to ask more questions. We deserve more answers. And until we learn more, we should not commit America to any international document that handcuffs us either now or into the future.”

Such perverse disregard for an issue where millions of lives are involved is truly malignant. To dispute the science sincerely is one thing. But to acknowledge the science and then suggest ways of talking around it plumbs the depths of self-interested opportunism.

Luntz makes another telling admission: “When we talk about ‘rolling back regulations’ involving the environment, we are sending a signal Americans don’t support. If we suggest that the choice is between environmental protection and deregulation, the environment will win consistently.”

Here is a website devoted to Luntz Speak and it also has a PDF copy of the Luntz enivronmental talking points.

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