Thursday, November 13, 2003

Is the American Empire Already Over?

Although no one in Washington has noticed it yet, the days of the American empire are numbered. The notion that one can govern the world by military might has found its limit. It is now widely understood that the United States cannot take out the North Korean regime because some of its weapons of mass destruction are in caves, beyond the reach of bombs. Trying to use force against North Korea might cause the deaths of millions of South Koreans, which forces the United States to pursue negotiations, despite noises to the contrary. The macho declaration of pre-emption is already passé.

Moreover, the U.S. armed forces are stretched thin in Iraq and Afghanistan and the American public willingness to accept more casualties and costs is rapidly fading. Far from going it alone, the United States is courting allies and friends, hat in hand, to share the burden of nation-building in these two countries. Washington felt forced to go pleading with the United Nations to grant its blessing for what needs to be done. Although it has obtained a UN resolution, it will not provide much relief in terms of funds or military forces.

All this is a long way from the posture of unilateralism, yesterday's neoconservative battle cry. Indeed, the negotiations with North Korea are taking place in close collaboration with several other key nations - Japan, Russia, China and South Korea. It is less clear how Iran's nuclear program is going to be dealt with, but this situation, too, seems to be moving in a multilateral direction.

There is a season for everything. There was a time to criticize the American empire. For those who argue that they know better, the time has come to prove it.

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