CSM - Daniel Schorr -- The marketing of young Jessica Lynch in book, docudrama, and television interview is a parable for the marketing of the Iraq war.
Pfc. Lynch says the military exploited her capture and rescue to sway public support for the Iraq war, but she has played her role. She is all over the media - interviewed by Diane Sawyer on ABC, by Katie Couric on NBC, on the David Letterman show, and, as they say in the television business, much, much more.
With mounting casualties in Iraq and mounting doubts about the war, the creation of a heroic icon could not have come at a better time for the military. Jessica Lynch is making a great contribution to the military-media complex.
Meanwhile, Richard Cohen thinks Jessica is a new hero for telling the truth about the military marketing campaign: "to the undoubted horror of the White House, the Pentagon and everyone at Fox News, she has refused to play the propaganda puppet and has, shockingly, told the truth. She is a hero -- not for what she did in Iraq but for what she did on the 'Today' show."
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