Saturday, November 15, 2003

Nader -- The Word "Chaos" Cannot Do Justice to the Omnibus Energy Bill

Today, the average fuel efficiency of your new vehicle is the lowest in over 20 years!

There are major but vague tax breaks for domestic oil exploration and development, as if this long pampered and subsidized industry needs more tax-payer "incentives" to make more megaprofits. The bill contains no significant increase in average fuel economy standards- a bill of rights for producing more gas guzzlers that eat into your budget and pollute the air.

A huge new taxpayer- guaranteed Alaska natural gas pipeline, owned by big companies who want you to assure they get a price immune from market forces, is also in the mix.

Better to shelve the whole congealed greedy mess and start listening to the people next year. In the meantime, you all conserve wherever you can, and, if you are able, walk some more.

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