Thursday, February 19, 2004

How Did This Bozo Get To Be A Reporter?

"For once, Howard Dean stuck to the script"

"He left no room for interpretation"

"He remembered to thank his wife"

"the long-awaited denouement to Dr. Dean's rollicking ride through this year's Democratic presidential nominating process, the hand-lettered signs in the hotel ballroom here foreshadowed his next chapter. 'It's not over until you stop believing,' one said."

"seemed to be trying to convince himself "

"Defiant until the end,"

"He made no mention of his opponents except to claim credit"

"Dr. Dean, whose outspokenness was part of his allure, never learned to watch his words, nor grow into a skilled statesman who could reach beyond his base" -

"Joe Trippi, according to several of his acolytes, was an inspirational but dysfunctional leader"

el - She is being a novelist, not a reporter.

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