Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Notebook - Kerry and Edwards ahead of Bush in polls

Kerry, the Democratic front-runner and a Massachusetts senator, leads Bush by 55 percent to 43 percent among likely voters, according to the CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll. Edwards, the North Carolina senator who is challenging Kerry, leads Bush by 54 percent to 44 percent.

Next item - as expected Kerry may reward Gephardt with position in cabinet.

Also, currently is spending $1.4 million to run an ad in West Virginia, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio and Florida that takes Bush to task for the Iraq war and shows a polygraph machine reacting as Bush is heard saying sentences such as "Saddam Hussein had an advanced nuclear weapons development program."

The group also is running radio ads in Maine, New Mexico, Kentucky, Tennessee and Iowa, urging citizens to call their representatives in Congress to ask that they censure Bush for what the group calls "misleading the nation into war."

el - either of the two Democratic TV candidates may match up well against Bush.

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