Monday, March 01, 2004


Despite the rebels' sordid history, the FRAPH and its leaders have had troubling connections to the American military and intelligence services. For instance, Human Rights Watch notes that "FRAPH reportedly was founded with CIA assistance and 'Toto' Constant, its director, has repeatedly stated that he received regular CIA payments." This was corroborated by Knight Ridder which reported that Constant acknowledged he was on the CIA payroll. The current rebel leader, Guy Philippe, who is "infamous for human rights abuses," was trained by the U.S. military. And the NYT reports the rebels' "assault weapons and crisp camouflage uniforms suggest they have outside support." The Haitian Army and its National Intelligence Service, which was disbanded after Aristide returned to power but whose remnants are part of the rebellion, were agencies "created and financed by the C.I.A. that committed acts of terror and trafficked in cocaine." (For more, see Human Rights Watch's new report on the history of some of the rebel leaders.) - Progress Report

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