Sunday, March 21, 2004

'Uncovered' and 'Unprecedented'

DVD Released on Amazon Only $9.95"There's a LOT of good information in "Uncovered." It makes its case well, by calling upon people from within the CIA and within the government to tell their stories. It also does a very effective job of showing how the Bush administration changed its story over time, and how things that were originally said to be true were then de-emphasized and then finally denied completely. "

"The reason Uncovered is so persuasive is that the director wisely chose to interview only "insiders" for the documentary -- CIA analysts, weapons investigators, Pentagon officials, and former White House counsels. Their comments on the administration's exaggerations and spin are devastating. According to the director, even people who support the war in Iraq become angry after watching Uncovered, because it exposes the Bush administration as a pack of thoroughly corrupt liars." - BoingBoing

Also highly recommended - Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election DVD.$16.99 & eligible for shipping on orders over $25. Uncovered is only $9.95, so get both and get free shipping and no sales tax.

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