Thursday, October 31, 2019

TPA - Halloween 2019

The Texas Progressive Alliance encourages you to enjoy Halloween and make sure you vote as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff bids adieu to soon-to-be-former Speaker Dennis Bonnen, who was brought low by his dumb decision to trust Michael Quinn Sullivan and by his own trash mouth.

SocraticGadfly does his alt-history schtick again and says imagine a world that never had American Indians.

The TPA congratulates Noah Horwitz for passing the bar exam.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

G. Elliott Morris examines the value of 2020 general election polls at this time.

Juanita finds new reasons to dislike Sen. John Cornyn.

Sanford Nowlin is right there with her.

The Texas Signal reads the Census report on income inequality in Texas.

Nonsequiteuse reviews the Astros front office debacle.

The Daily Texan decries UT's lack of action against professors who have been accused of sexual misconduct with students.

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