Tuesday, September 10, 2002

For two weeks now the story has been about when will Bush attack Iraq and will he ask the United Nations or Congress for approval. I believe he does not have the legal authority to attack Iraq without Congressional approval for reasons I have linked to previously. I also feel that acting without UN approval besides being illegal would be a significant and dangerous step toward an expanded Pax Americana doctrine- "We are the World's only Empire and have a right to unilaterally destroy what we see as Evil."

On the domestic front, Democrats cannot win on this issue. Whatever position they take is going to be perceived as wrong. Brilliant Sun Tzu positioning by the White House. Even debating the issue removes from the media the issues the Democrats should be talking about - education, health care, social security, the budget, taxes, the loss of civil liberties, corporate influence on policies, protecting the environment, etc.

Currently I plan on giving up commenting on this. I am beginning to think Democrats in Congress should introduce a resolution to authorize Bush to do whatever the Hell he wants and wash their hands. This is probably not a morally defensible position. Et tu, Pontius Pilate

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