Thursday, December 05, 2002

The Scobleizer Weblog

Dan Shafer wonders if religion is a brain survival instinct to apply pattern recognition and meaning to everything.

The trouble is, all the religious and spiritual thought I've seen is made up by humans to try to explain all this stuff. I haven't found a major religion yet (or even a minor one) that isn't wacky. I know that this post will bring out the wackiest among you too. Hey, you can't sell me on your religion. They all stink.

While we're on this, a few years ago I made this claim in the off.ramp newsgroup that I used to hang out in: God is a Dumbass. I offered Nevada and the Moon as proof. Guess what? No one ever was able to prove me wrong. At minimum I believe that God -- if she exists -- drinks cheap whiskey. That'd explain why things go to hell once in a while.

I am going to chip in my two bits, as soon as i come up with proof She isn't drinking cheap whiskey.

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