Thursday, January 16, 2003

Forbes has Venezuela doubling its oill output his past week. and the Washington Post had a long favorable view of opinion from the barrios as opposed to the villas.

To anyone who has been in Venezuela lately, opposition charges that Chavez is "turning the country into a Castro-communist dictatorship" -- repeated so often that millions of Americans apparently now believe them -- are absurd on their face.

If any leaders have a penchant for dictatorship in Venezuela, it is the opposition's. On April 12 they carried out a military coup against the elected government. They installed the head of the business federation as president and dissolved the legislature and the supreme court, until mass protests and military officers reversed the coup two days later.

Military officers stand in Altamira Plaza and openly call for another coup. It is hard to think of another country where this could happen. The government's efforts to prosecute leaders of the coup were canceled when the court dismissed the charges in August. Despite the anger of his supporters, some of whom lost friends and relatives last year during the two days of the coup government, Chavez respected the decision of the court.

Reuters' has Chavez borrowing a page from Bush and now calling the opposition "terrorists" and vowing not to negotiate.

However, Chavez has also taken to comparing himself to Jesus Christ with other world leaders

The watch had some of this.

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