Sunday, January 26, 2003

It's Leave-No-Millionaire-Behind Time

The Nation, among other good articles has Bush's Terrible Twos by David Corn. Many good turns-of-phrase here. He's getting to be a regular Molly Ivins.

During the presidential campaign, Bush vowed (incessantly), "I'm a uniter, not a divider." Now the motto is, "In your face." He sure has grown in office. From Boy George to King George. -- David Corn

He also had the headline quote while Molly scores with these:

Did you hear the Bush administration finally found a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda? They both have the letter Q. The evil, evil Q. (Not original with me, making the rounds.)

Some days, I'd just as soon whack myself in the head with the newspaper as read it.

If Harvey Pitt were any closer to the accounting industry, he'd be in violation of the Texas sodomy statute. -- Molly Ivins

In It's your money... for now, Molly notes how Bush has done little to stop corporate abuse

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