Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Dean or Graham

I am leaning toward Dean or Graham for Democratic candidate for president. Dean because he has actual experience with governing as opposed to being a Senator. He enacted some pretty impressive programs while balancing a budget in a very conservative state. He is also the most firmly anti-war candidate and is the one with experience with getting health programs enacted. So basically I am for him for policy reasons.

Graham of Florida has demonstrated he can win in a Southern state, a Bush Home state. He has populist ideas. He is more likely to win an election against Bush 2 in 94 or Bush 3 in 98. He is more hawkish than Dean but that may be what it takes to win. He has always been very national security aware and was much more concerned about terrorists in America before 9/11 than Bush was. Bush, as is typical for him, was clueless back then. Overall a better candidate in terms of winning, but he is not generating any media buzz which is a bad sign.

Here Dean rips most other Dem opponents for being soft and wishy-washy on the war issue. Here the New York Times rips Dean for being wishy-washy on the war. I don't agree with the Times.

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