Monday, February 03, 2003

Judge makes marijuana jury angry

at the kangeroo trial they didn't know they were in.

District Court Judge Charles Breyer block all attempts at a fiar trial and left the jury in the dark in the first major case in Ashcroft's war on medical marijuana.

"Jurors said pot grower Ed Rosenthal never had a chance with U.S. District Court Judge Charles Breyer blocking defense attempts to show Rosenthal was growing marijuana for dispensaries and clubs serving seriously ill people. The only evidence left was that Rosenthal was guilty of conspiring to grow more than 100 plants."

The judge is related to Supreme Court Judge Breyer and had been picked for his conservative politics.

"It was like a kangaroo court. It's like we were just following orders," said Marney Craig, a Novato property manager on the jury. "I'm horrified and dismayed that I wasn't strong enough to stop it."

"The reason some of the jurors have been so angry is because we weren't given all of the evidence. The evidence allowed just tilted the outcome of the case to the point where the outcome was a done deal from the beginning."

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