Friday, February 07, 2003

Pacific NS: Al Qaeda-Iraq Connection Tenuous at Best

I had stated below that I may support an invasion if a connection between terrorists who attacked the United States and Iraq can be proven. This link shows why I believe they have not proven the link.

The Public War Plans

Some may be wondering why I did not do any linking to the "supposed war plans" on the front page of the New York Times last week.

Simple, I had previously linked that the beginning of the war would see a massive bombardment of Iraq and the plans appeared to me to be an administration disinformation leakage.

The leaked war plans were probably 50% true. The real secrets and the part played down in the leakage is that the first days will involve a great deal of special operations and airborne and airmobile forces. In support of this important part here is MSNBC on the 101st Airborne moving out.

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