Sunday, March 09, 2003

Barabara Bodine - "Dictator of Baghdad"

GN Online: Bush pushes for war

U.S. officials, on condition of anonymity, said a U.S. plan for post-war reconstruction of Iraq calls for dividing it into three sectors with each being run by a separate interim civil administrator during the transition to some form of democratic government.

U.S. military commanders will be responsible for securing their areas in the immediate aftermath of a war, but then the job of rebuilding and governing would be turned over to the interim transitional civil administration, the official said.

Two retired U.S. generals would be the civil administrators in the northern and southern sectors while the central sector that includes Baghdad would be administered by Barbara Bodine, the former U.S. ambassador to Yemen, according to the officials.

Barbara Bodine? She is already infamous as the person who permitted the USS Cole into Yeman with no security protection and then blocked the investigation to not upset the Yemeni's and possibly out of concern as to where it would lead. One site says about her:

"Throughout her career, Barbara Bodine has served primarily under rightwing old boys and in areas where the oil interests of said old boys are being furthered. Under Reagan, she served as Deputy Principle Officer in Baghdad, Iraq. Under Bush, Sr., she served as Deputy Chief of Mission in Kuwait and was there during the Gulf War. She has also worked for Bob Dole, and far more ominously, for Henry Kissinger. So, in 2000 we find her in Yemen, and though a Clinton appointee, impeding the Clinton administration's efforts to conduct an investigation of a crime of terrorism."

There is further information on this site about the American hero John O'Neill. He was the leading FBI anti-terroism expert but resigned after getting no co-operation from the Bush administration and took the job as head of security at the World Trade Center. He reported to friends he knew it would be a terrorist target again. On his second day at work he was killed assisting in the evacuation.

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