Monday, March 24, 2003

Freedom of the Press Applies to Those Who Own One - Liberal Columnist Fired

This was my last column to appear in the Star Community Newspaper cluster. It is ironic that after writing a forceful essay in support of the first amendment, my column was cancelled. from the preface to Who are the real, useful idiots? by Brent Flynn. Link from BuzzFlash.

"No, the protesters aren't unpatriotic, un-American or useful idiots, but people who criticize them for practicing democracy in its purest form have a few things to learn about citizenship in a democratic republic. It is not merely your right to dissent when you disagree with your government's policies, IT IS YOUR CIVIC OBLIGATION.

"Before the Bush hawks start exporting democracy to the Middle East through the use of military force, maybe we should make sure we've got it right in America."

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