Monday, March 24, 2003

Not Following The Script and the Children's Crusade

Znet has an interesting article by Robert Jensen on being interviewed on NPR. His implied thesis is liberals who are reluctantly for the war are now running the show. I was wondering if this explained Salon's stance where since the war they have run articles critical of the anti-war movement. Mainstream liberals are trying to categorize the remaining American opposition to the war as pacifists, radicals, or naive.

I don't accept that. I don't agree with the extreme pacifist and anti-capitalist elements of the antiwar movement, who will always be there, but knowledgeable people know that this is a war under false pretenses and could be the makings of a major world changing disaster.

The New York Times Magazine had an article by one of the mainstream liberals who support the war despite hating the rest of Bush's policies because he thinks we can create freedom in Iraq. I fear he is as sadly mistaken and naive as the young people in the children's crusade.

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