Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Michael Moore: Oscar Backlash?

Stupid White Men" Back At #1
Yesterday (April 6), "Stupid White Men" shot back to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. This is my book's 50th week on the list, 8 of them at number one, and this marks its fourth return to the top position, something that virtually never happens.

Bowling For Columbine" Breaks New Records
On the day after I criticized Bush and the war at the Academy Awards, attendance at "Bowling for Columbine" in theaters around the country went up 110% (source: Daily Variety/ The following weekend, the box office gross was up a whopping 73% (Variety). It is now the longest-running consecutive commercial release in America, 26 weeks in a row and still thriving. The number of theaters showing the film since the Oscars has INCREASED, and it has now bested the previous box office record for a documentary by nearly 300%.

In the two days following the Oscars, more people pre-ordered the video for "Bowling for Columbine" on than the video for the Oscar winner for Best Picture, "Chicago."

In the past week, I have obtained funding for my next documentary, and I have been offered a slot back on television to do an updated version of "TV Nation"/ "The Awful Truth."

From his website: Michael

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