Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Syria Divides Democratic Candidates

SJ Mercury AP - Presidential candidate Bob Graham, a Florida senator who voted against the resolution authorizing force against Iraq, suggested military action against Syria might be necessary.

"We threw a few cruise missiles into the terrorist training camps in Afghanistan ... that's what we may have to do in Syria," he told the Orlando Sentinel after an appearance during the weekend in his home state.

On the other end is peace candidate Dennis Kucinich, a congressman from Ohio, who said threatening action against Syria could fuel speculation that the Bush Administration is seeking to build an empire in the Middle East.

"It appears that the administration is using the same rhetoric and political posturing that led to the unjustified war against Iraq," he said in a statement issued Monday. "Our nation cannot afford this dangerous and aggressive foreign policy. On the heels of war with Iraq, the administration's posturing appears to be putting the United States on a path to war with Syria."

And more from Leiberman, Kerry, and Gephardt.

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