Sunday, May 04, 2003

"Shock and Awe for Democrats" or a Chance to Expose a Lying Top Gun?

UPI -- Shock and Awe on Eve of Democrat Debate

This is a sitting president who is going to challenge everything the tentative, politically correct 1990s stood for. He is running on a return of the America to the 1950s, the glory days: big cars, cheap gas, a powerful military whose generals are proconsuls from Baghdad to Kabul, and family values.

Joe Conason's Journal -- Bush's "Top Gun" get-up wasn't just tacky, it was a reminder of one of the most stunning lies ever committed to print by a presidential candidate.

My opinion - the national Democratic Party seems to lack the cojones to take this war machine on. As Nagorney in The New York Times says, this is not going to be a rerun of Bush I's reelection campaign. I think Bush II is an unmitigated disaster but he appeals to the hard-core base of the GOP like no previous President, including Reagan. An energized base is a secret weapon of all campaigns, unless Democrats come out swinging the party is over for 2004.

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