Friday, May 02, 2003

While Blogger was Down

Aboard the Lincoln, A White House Spectacular

The visual spectacle had begun in the afternoon, when cable's news networks (but not the broadcast networks) carried, live, Bush's landing on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln in a Navy jet. He stepped from the plane in his flight suit looking fit and vigorous. After the speech Newt Gingrich, on Fox News Channel, likened the image to that of the fictitious president in the movie "Independence Day," a former fighter pilot who, in the climax, helps shoot down invading aliens in the sky.

Movie buffs with good memories might have been reminded by the spectacle of the opening scene of an MGM musical called "Anchors Aweigh," a World War II flag-waver. Jose Iturbi stood on the deck of just such an aircraft carrier conducting a huge Navy band as the movie began.

Of course, that was in Technicolor and accomplished with lavish special effects. But then again, so, in a way, was Bush's speech. He wasn't conducting a band, though; he was conducting a country.


Republicans frustrated by filibusters consider suing, changing Senate rules

JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer

"History will look kindly on us for doing so," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY, "because never has a president of the United States been more ideological in his selection of judges."

The White House, GOP senators and advocates aides have been saying for months that they think filibustering judicial nominees is unconstitutional, but to test that theory someone would have to sue.

Idiots, unless you choose a political court, like the Supreme Court, they know enough not to get involved in telling the legislative branch how to conduct business.

Some observers say resorting to a lawsuit to ban filibusters would be futile.

Republicans admit that they've thought about it. "One option that has been floated is the idea of a lawsuit," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas on Wednesday.

"Even the thought that the courts would get involved in Senate business is mind-boggling," said Sheldon Goldman, a political science professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst who studies the federal appellate nomination process. "If this isn't a separation of powers issue, what is?"

Cornyn, a former Texas judge himself, agreed. "Another branch of the government -- the judiciary -- cannot come in and tell Congress how it must function."


With Bush Declaring Victory in Iraq, Rumsfeld thought it was a good moment to declare Victory in Afghanistan.

Rumsfeld said today that 8,000 U.S. forces in Afghanistan have ended major combat operations and will shift their focus to stabilizing and rebuilding the country.

Lt. Gen. Dan K. McNeill, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said he doubted that the size of the U.S. force here could be reduced until the summer of 2004, when it will have finished training and equipping between 9,000 and 12,000 soldiers in a new Afghan national army. About 4,500 Afghans have been trained to date.

Karzai, who addressed reporters with Rumsfeld, denied that he was incapable of traveling freely throughout Afghanistan out of fear for his safety.

Imagine."Yes, I have my own private US ARMY that protects me. I can go anywhere, just like John Gotti. At least before he was caught."

Bush Poll - Country Polarized, Bush Support Eroding Compared to His Father


Greenspan Says Tax Cut Is Not Needed for Growth

Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, told Congress today that the economy was poised to grow without further large tax cuts, and that budget deficits resulting from lower taxes without offsetting reductions in spending could be damaging to the economy. Opponents of the large cut favored by President Bush took Mr. Greenspan's testimony as support for their position.

Mr. Greenspan's statements to the House Financial Services Committee were made as new Treasury data showed that tax revenues have arrived at a much slower pace than expected this spring. As a consequence of the revenue shortfall and increased spending enacted this month, government and private analysts said today, the budget deficit this fiscal year will be at least $80 billion higher than the Congressional Budget Office projected last month.


House Republicans Retreat From Plan to End Dividend Tax


Bush Administration Covers Its Ass on 9/11

Newsweek - The White House is battling to keep a report on the terror attacks secret. Does the 2004 election have anything to do with it?


Comedy Central with Jon Stewert couldn't find anyone with the cojones enough to debate Bush. Jon said the Democrat party looked like it had been abolished or something. So he played clips of Governor Bush who killed President Bush on "nation building" and having "humility." In addition to seeing Bush take-on Bush there were a fair number of shots of each Bush smirking at the other. A short video clip here.


Record Companies to Iraq - "Here, we'll rewrite your copyright laws so you don't have to."


The New Republic, who published my letter against the Iraq war, used to be a major left magazine when I read it years ago but now is inconsistent and seems a hangout for older conservative Jewish policy intellectuals. I check into the online version every so often. Here Rittenhouse tears into it for smearing Blinded by the Right, a great book. I recommend it.

The blog above is terrific too, Did you know ASHLEIGH MOORE IS MISSING?

And the blog below with three cheers for Howard Dean!


My brother James Denton and his wife Amy Smith want me to mention 101 Reasons to Masturbate.

They also want me to mention how terrific a book "Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush" by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose is. I have that book and love Molly Ivins but if anything it was much too easy on him. It has some out that he was much dirtier than the book says in insider trading - selling his stock when he was told he couldn't. There is much more stuff out there not covered because most Americans just wouldn't believe it.


13 1/2 minute BBC report on how the Republicans stole the Presidency by disenfranchising Democratic voters. There is a longer version of this available for sale my brother has.

Will play on slow connections.


The US stands almost alone with other religious fundamentalists like Iran.

On Women's Rights, Iran Becomes a 'Friend'


U.S. says Canada cares too much about liberties

Say what?


Why Are They Now?

On deficits, Republicans in Congress haven't just changed their minds—they've lost their brains. -- Michael Kinsley


More of "The Enron Crime Family" caught

Ex-Enron chief’s wife indicted on six fraud charges


Tom Tomorrow has been tracking "Passive News"

When US papers report on Iraq they often switch from the active voice to the passive.

Example "Tense Standoff Between Troops And Iraqis Erupts In Bloodshed.
Nobody did anything, it just erupted.

Every other headline in the LA Times that day was in "active voice":

High Court Upholds Jailing of Immigrants

GOP Budges On State Budget

Asia Bands Together On SARS

Palestinian PM Urges End To 'Armed Chaos'

Music Industry Tries Fear As A Tactic To Stop Online Piracy

The LA Times didn't want to run, like foreign papers did,

U.S. Troops Fire On Iraqis; 13 Reported Dead

and later here.


David Brooks is annoyed that most commentators saw the speech for what it was, a political stump.

I became less annoyed at him when I imagined myself hitting him in the nose. Then he would have something to whine about.

Dubya is inspiring a nation of whiners. Maybe if we libruls go kick a few asses this would make a better country.

At least I would feel better.

Sorry, I must be channeling some Republican pundit and just reversed the cause.

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