Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Are You Clear Channel?

Clear Channel is home-based in Texas, and it is no secret that Clear Channel Worldwide vice chairman Tom Hicks bought the Texas Rangers in 1999 from a little known Texas governor named George W. Bush for $250 million.

It is also no secret that the same Tom Hicks, as Chairman of the University of Texas Investment Management Corporation (UTIMCO) lobbied the same governor (Dubya) for some rules changes, then got in a little trouble for sending privatization contracts to Bush cronies. Sounds like déjà vu all over again, except we weren’t talking about rebuilding Iraq. Now that’s different!

Clear Channel simply wants some FCC rules updated to allow them to expand their radio and TV businesses. To get that, they need to behave in a supportive manner under the current Bush administration. It’s just good business, like buying Bush’s baseball team and redirecting public moneys to friends of the family.

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