Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Quick hits

Prisoners in Gitmo committing suicide - is it an act of war against us or a PR stunt? Those are the two Pentagon explanations.

Rove may not be indicted. He sooo deserves to be. Here is a list of reasons why he should at least be fired. That statement was only from Rove's attorney but it looks like Jason Leopold was wrong when he said Rove had already been indicted. Jason has no further defense of his accusation but points to a mysterious Sealed vs. Sealed Grand Jury indictment. Truthout is standing by the story although there is now a letter saying Fitzgerald is not seeking an indictment.

US Iraqi bases for decades?

The Ipod sweatshops of China. All of the high tech stuff is now made by sweatshops.

We are not in a war on terrorism. Terrorists are not at war. "The whole point of terrorism is to attack a government or a people so hard, in such a tender and precious spot, that the government goes nuts in rage and fear." Some people get scared so much they beg the government to do anything, suspend civil rights, make mass arrests of suspects, allow torture, create gulags, to protect them. (Quote from Bruce Sterling's geek 9/11 thriller The Zenith Angle.)

What can a sensible person do? Point out that the government has gone nuts, support sensible actions, loudly object when we do what the terrorists want, and ridicule and pity the unAmerican cowards.

The FoxNews effect. Some evidence that Fox News swayed voters to support Bush.

This post edited after a busy day.


Jack Steiner said...

We are not in a war on terrorism. Terrorists are not at war.

This is just a moronic statement. If you think that terrorists are not at war you haven't the foggiest idea of what it is all about.

Gary said...

Terrorists are not at war - reread the statement.

They are not conducting warfare - they are conducting terror. What military objective is accomplished by terrorist acts?

It displays a great deal of historical, military and political ignorance if you try to argue this point.

Gary said...

