Monday, November 04, 2002

CNN/USAToday/Gallup Tracking poll: Bush leads Gore by 5 points, 2 days before election - November 5, 2000

Remember this?

Gallup is still a Big Business / Republican / Christian Right pollster and it affects their findings. If I want religious data I look at Gallup's frequent religious polls but I have to take into account they have developed a bias and I think the methodology they use, phone polling, has gotten bad.

USAToday -- Late shift appears to favor GOP

A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll this weekend shows that in House races, likely voters prefer Republicans to Democrats 51% -45%. November 4, 2002

Wrong, Zogby has been much more accurate and he has a slight shift Democratic. There is no other evidence of Republicans eager to vote and Democrats staying home.

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