Sunday, February 09, 2003

RuminateThis: "WE DECIDED NOT TO RUN IT..."

A bi-partisan bill was introduced in Congress February 5th to repeal The Iraq use of force resolution. Despite a press conference and incredible significance the media decided not to cover it.

Back to yesterday's press conference....after this low-attendance event, and later in the day, DeFazio appeared on The O'Reilly Factor: seven minutes of airtime, the usual back and forth, until the mic is silenced, the lights lowered, and O'Reilly has the last word. War.

Other than a handful of local radio interviews, a small story here and an AP wire there...that's the sum total of major coverage.

No Imus. No Chicago Tribune. No ABC News.

Major bipartisan legislation opposing a war nobody wants, and what do we hear? The sound of media silence.

Son of Patriot Act

Meanwhile, if the Patriot Act wasn't a bad enough assault on American civel liberties, Center for Public Integrity published the secret draft of Patriot Act 2, which makes Patriot Act 1 look wimpy.

The administration was denying this legislation existed and was under review by Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Vice President Richard Cheney, who , of course, received a copy on Jan. 10, 2003.

Barbara Comstock, director of public affairs for the Justice Dept., said when asked "it has not been sent to either the Vice President or the Speaker of the House." Oops.

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