Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Local Politics - Pasadena Texas

Pasadena Citizen --Pasadena City Council approved the fiscal 2004 budget in a lively special Saturday session

City officials optimistically hoped the Saturday session might draw an increased number of citizens interested in addressing the budget, but only one attended. However, Manlove said the lack of residents present demonstrates that citizens are supportive of the proposed budget and of the administration.

EL - I have blogged this only because my ex-wife was the one person who attended. She was interested in seeing if the controversial Strawberry Road Extension or other city projects would be discussed. So far she has quickly gathered over 300 signatures to stop that project but I doubt that will be enough. Pasadena has placed most of it's normal city planning functions in an appointed non-profit organization as these organizations don't have to answer to voters. I have already told her that 300 signatures is more votes than her council representative got (there is incredibly low turnout for city elections) and maybe she should run to replace him.

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